Windows operating system provides a range of keyboard Windows Button Shortcut Keys to help users navigate various functions and features quickly. This blog post will discuss some of the basic Windows keys and their functions.

Windows Button Shortcut Keys List
- Windows+R: Open Run Box
- Windows+E: Open File Explorer
- Windows+A: Open Notification Panel
- Windows+B: Show Hidden Icon
- Windows+C: Open Window Cortana
- Windows+D: Goto Desktop
- Windows+F: Open Feedback
- Windows+G: Open Game Console
- Windows+H: Open Speech
- Windows+I: Open System Property
- Windows+K: Open Available Display
- Windows+L: Sign Out Window
- Windows+M: Minimize All Open Apps
- Windows+N: Open Notification
Uses of Windows Button Shortcut Keys
- Windows R: This key combination opens the Run box, which allows users to quickly execute commands or launch programs by typing in their names.
- Windows E: Pressing this key combination opens File Explorer, which provides easy access to files, folders, and drives on your computer.
- Windows A: By pressing Windows A, you can open the Notification Panel, where you can view and manage notifications from various apps and system settings.
- Windows B: This key combination shows hidden icons in the notification area, allowing you to quickly access any hidden system or app icons. Also Know:-Â CCC Full Course Details
- Windows C: Pressing Windows C opens Windows Cortana, a virtual assistant that can help you with tasks, answer questions, and provide information.
- Windows D: If you want to go to your desktop quickly, press Windows D. This key combination minimizes all open windows and takes you straight to the desktop.
- Windows F: By pressing Windows F, you can open the Feedback hub, where you can provide feedback to Microsoft about your Windows experience. Also Know:-Corel Draw Course Full Details
- Windows G: This key combination opens the Game Console, which allows you to access gaming features and settings on your Windows computer.
- Windows H: Pressing Windows H opens Speech recognition, enabling you to dictate text, control your computer using voice commands, and more.
- Windows I: By pressing Windows I, you can open the System Property, where you can manage various system settings and configurations. Also Know:-DFA Course Full Details
- Windows K: This key combination opens the Available Display window, allowing you to connect and manage external displays or projectors.
- Windows L: Pressing Windows L locks your computer and takes you to the Sign Out window, where you can switch users or sign out of your account. Also Know:-OM Course Full Details
- Windows M: If you want to quickly minimize all open apps, press Windows M. This key combination minimizes all open windows and takes you back to the desktop.
- Windows N: By pressing Windows N, you can open the Notification Center, where you can view and manage notifications from various apps and system settings.
- These are just a few examples of the basic Windows keys and their functions. Learning and utilizing these keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency when using a Windows computer. Also Know:- ADCA Course Full Details
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