Spoken English | Helping Verbs
Spoken English | 21 Most-Used Sentence
1-तुम डरपोक हो।
(Tum dark ho.)
You are a coward.
2-उसे मत घूरो।
(Use mat choro.)
Don’t stare at him.
3-धीरे बोलो।
(Dheere bolo.)
Speak slowly.
4-तेज़ बोलो।
(Tez bolo.)
Speak quickly.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
5-ऊँचा बोलो।
(Ooncha bolo.)
Speak aloud.
6-दबे पाँव चलो।
(Dabe plan ago.)
Walk on tiptoe.
7-मुझ पर एहसान मत करो।
(Mujh par ehsaan mat karo.)
Don’t favor me.
8-बहाने मत बनाओ।
(Bahaane mat banao.)
Don’t make excuses.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
9-समय की नजाकत को समझो।
(Samay ki nazakat ko samjho.)
Understand the delicacy of the time.
10-समझने की कोशिश करो।
(Samajhne ki koshish karo.)
Try to understand.
11-मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ।
(Mujhe gussa mat dilao.)
Don’t make me angry.
12-आँख मत मारो।
(Aankh mat maro.)
Do not wink.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
Spoken English | Helping Verbs
13-इशारा मत करो।
(Ishara mat karo.)
Do not gesture.
14-बकवास मत करो।
(Bakwaas mat karo.)
Don’t talk nonsense.
15-ज़िद मत करो।
(Zid mat karo.)
Don’t be stubborn.
16-मुझसे पंगे मत लो।
(Mujhse pange mat lo.)
Do not mess with me.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
17-धूप सेंक लो।
(Dhoop sek lo.)
Bask in the sun.
18-रोटियाँ बेल लो।
(Rotiyaan bel lo.)
Roll the chapatis.
17-रोटी कैसे बनायें ?
(Roti kaise banaayein.)
How to roll the chapati?
18-आटा गूंथ लो।
(Aanta goeth lo.)
Knead the flour.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
19-रोटियाँ सेंक लो।
(Rotiyaan senk lo.)
Bake the chapatis.
20-दिल पे मत लो।
(Dil pe mat lo.)
Don’t take it to heart.
21-उसे मत देखो।
(Use mat dekho.)
Don’t look at him.
22-धीमे बोलो।
(Dheeme bolo.)
Speak softly. / Speak quietly.
23-तुम में कला है।
(Tum me kala hai.)
You have the art.
24-इंडिया जीतेगी।
(India jeetegi.)
India will win. /
India is gonna win. (Gonna = going to)
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
25-दिमाग से काम लो।
(Dimag se kam lo.)
Use your brain.
26-नंगे पैर मत चलो।
(Nange pair mat chalo.)
Don’t walk barefoot.
27-चालाक मत बनो।
(Chalak mat bano.)
Don’t be smart.
28-बहुत मज़ा आया!
(Bahut maza aaya!)
Enjoyed a lot!
29-हमने वाकई में ज़िन्दगी जी।
(Humne vakayee me zindagi jee.)
We really lived life.
30-वो दबे पाँव कमरे में घुसा।
(Vo dabe paaon kamre me ghusa.)
He tiptoed into the room.
(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
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(Spoken English Helping Verbs)
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