Digital Marketing Course Fees, Duration, Syllabus, Scope, Institute, and Jobs in Varanasi
What is Digital Marketing Course?
One of the most fascinating and versatile fields, Digital Marketing is a booming industry not only in India but across the globe.
With almost all businesses going online in their marketing activities, the demand for digital marketers is increasing at a rapid rate and is opening doors for plenty of job seekers.
According to surveys conducted by several forums, the employment sector has seen a major share of jobs generated by the Digital Marketing Industry, in recent years.
As per various media reports, the year 2016 saw over 1.5 lakh job opportunities in the Digital Marketing domain. 2017 threw a major surprise by marking around 8 lakh job opportunities in the field.
Important Link:-DCA Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
In India, this number is expected to grow rapidly with the advent of Digitalisation in the country.
The career scope in the industry is attracting the masses, and this is one of the reasons various professionals are learning the course to enter the industry.
The current market status of Digital Marketing shows that it is at its peak, and is going to stay so for obvious reasons.
The demand for Digital Marketing Courses?
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.
Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.
A seasoned inbound marketer might say inbound marketing and digital marketing are virtually the same things, but there are some minor differences.
And conversations with marketers and business owners in the U.S., U.K., Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, I’ve learned a lot about how those small differences are being observed across the world.
Useful Link:-Tally Prime Course Details, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs

What Skills are Required for Digital Marketing Course?
If you’d like to excel in the field of digital marketing, then you need to possess some basic skills. These skills are supposed to make you stand out from the rest.
Initially, there is a specific set of skills that you need to teach yourself to put yourself in a better position in this field.
- Aware of the trends.
- Good understanding of the audience and knowing what sells.
- Specific marketing expertise.
- Content writing skills.
- Ability to manage tools and technology.
- Interactive skills.
- Sales skill.
- A blend of creativity and analytical skills.
- Basic design skills.
- Politeness and patience.
Useful Link:-OM Course Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
Applications in Digital Marketing Course?
In the Digital Marketing course Applications are listed below:-
You can learn and know properly about
Marketing Foundation
social media management,
content marketing
community building
GEO Marketing.
Website Design using WordPress CMS. Digital Marketing Course Fees
Important Link:-DFA Course Fees, Syllabus, Duration, Scope, Jobs, and Institute in Varanasi

Duration of Digital Marketing Course?
Digital Marketing is a beneficial degree. and its duration is 6 months.
Syllabus of Digital Marketing Course?
The Digital Marketing Syllabus of our Digital Marketing Course with 20 Modules will give you a complete picture of what digital marketing skills you can acquire at the end of the course.
In other words, our classroom coaching program includes 3 main modules
1. Foundation
2. The marketer
3. Professional
that will cover the entire digital marketing concepts with advanced topics which have been shown in the below digital marketing syllabus:-
Important Link:-Photoshop Course Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
- Digital Marketing Foundation.
- Competitor and Website Analysis.
- Market Research & Niche Potential.
- Website Design using WordPress CMS.
- Email Marketing.
- Content Creation and Promotion.
- Search Engine Optimization.
- Social Media Marketing, Optimization & Advertising.
- Bing Advertising.
- Mobile Marketing (SMS Marketing).
- GEO Marketing.
- YouTube Video Marketing & Advertising.
- Website Data Analytics.
- Blogging.
- Google AdSense.
- Digital Marketing Plan & Budget Forecast
- Product Marketing (Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook).
- Paid Ads Optimization Strategies.
- Case Studies.
- Career Counselling and Interview Preparation Guidance.

Admission Fees for Digital Marketing Course?
Admission Fees for the Digital Marketing course are about 25 thousand. And the offer fee is 5000/- Rs thousand Only. 80% OFF on the course of Digital Marketing
Useful Link:- 8 Point Before Learn Computer Course
Offer in Digital Marketing Course?
If people want to learn Best Computer Course then they have to Also need to Learn Computer Typing, English Speaking, Personality development, etc.

But the Good news for those who want to Learn Digital Marketing Course. Because VedantSri is providing 5 Course Completely Free in offers and The Free Courses are listed below:-
- Computer Typing for 3 Months.
- English Spoken For 3 Months.
- Personality Development.
- CTT training For 6 Months.
- CCC Classes.
Useful Link:- Effectively Learn Computer Courses
Discount in Digital Marketing Course?
Time to Time VedantSri Institute provides a discount on different offers.
And currently, the VedantSri Discount offer is 80% OFF in Digital Marketing course Fees and also admission Fee is FREE in the Digital Marketing Course offered.

Facilities in Digital Marketing Course?
There are so many extra free Courses in Digital Marketing Course:-
- Projector Screen Classroom
- 4-ways Technique
- Project-Based Training
- Online Test Facilities
- Online Blog Support
- Free Courses Training
- CTT Internship Training
Useful Link:-ADCA Course Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
Extra Free Course in Digital Marketing Course Offer?
There are so many extra free Courses in Digital Marketing Course:-
- Typing Training.
- English Spoken Class.
- Personality Development.
- CCC Class.
- CTT Training.
- Free Online Test.
Way to Teach of Digital Marketing Course?
Way to Teach Digital Marketing Course In VedantSri:
- Project-Based.
- Best Knowledgeable Teachers teach the student with the projector.
- Provided a single system for a single student.
- Time to Time tests is taken with the related course.
- live presentation.
- Alternate Days Theory, Projects, and Practical Session.
- Student skips their lab or Theory class-related video is available on VedantSri Android apps.
- Provided Latest Project Training.
- Online Test.
- Live Classes. Digital Marketing Course Fees
Course Category of Digital Marketing Course?
Diploma Course Category
A career in Digital Marketing Course?
You can get a job in digital marketing if you have passion and creativity. Some of the prospective careers in Digital marketing are enlisted below:-
Digital Marketing Consultant
Content Marketing Executive
Content Writer
Inbound Marketer
Social Media Marketing Expert
Search Engine Marketer
SEO Executive
Conversion Rate Optimizer
Web Analytics Executive
Email Marketer
Copywriters Digital Marketing Course Fees
Jobs Placement in Course?
In recent years, Digital Marketing has gained immense popularity and today it is one of the most sought-after career options.
As every business is moving to the digital platform, it is expected that more jobs will be created in Digital Marketing and the demand for trained professionals will grow manifold.
According to, currently, the starting salary of a Digital Marketing Manager is Rs 4 lakh and upwards in India.

Some of the top Digital Marketing jobs are given below:-
Market Research Analyst
Content Manager
Digital Marketing Consultant
Conversion Rate Optimizer
SEO Manager/Professionallakh and upwards
Social Media Manager
PPC Search Manager
SEO Executive
Email Marketer
Digital Marketer
Online Brand Management professional
Digital Marketing instructor
Does eligibility require For Digital Marketing Course?
Yes, If you have completed 10 then you are eligible for the Digital Marketing Course.
Does Computer Basic Knowledge Require For Digital Marketing Course?
Yes, Computer Basic Knowledge is Required For Digital Marketing Course. Because basic knowledge is necessary for Digital Marketing Course.
Teaching Language in Digital Marketing Course?
Basically, the language of the computer is English but you can learn it in Hindi and English both.
VedantSri Computer Institute Varanasi

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There are some important computer Courses for jobs CCC Classes, Typing, Internships, And Spoken English Available Free of cost with Offer. More than 50 Computer Courses are available with a 50% Fee Discount in VedantSri Varanasi. You can get the Best Digital Marketing Course at Varanasi Institute VedantSri. There is the Latest Computer Course Offer in ADCA Computer Course, DCA Computer Course, CCC Computer Course & English Spoken. Digital Marketing Course Fees
(Digital Marketing Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi)
About VedantSri Computer Institute Varanasi
VedantSri Computer Institute in Varanasi is the Government recognized and ISO Certified Computer Institute in Varanasi running since 2011. It Provides Computer Courses, Classes, and Training through different own branches all over Varanasi. There is Computer Scholarship Courses DCE Scholarship (Diploma in Computer Engineering), DIT’s most trusted computer course Available under Scholarship Test Scheme. Digital Marketing Course Fees
Varanasi Computer Institute vedantsri works at different places to ensure students to get better computer education. VedantSri Computer Classes has Diploma courses and advance diploma courses on the computer. VedantSri Institute provides the latest version of computer application training in computer courses. Digital Marketing Course Fees
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(Digital Marketing Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi)
About CCC Online Test 2023
CCC Online Test 2023:- This is the CCC Online Test Website Page. If You are preparing for CCC Exam or any competitive exam then you should visit this website. Digital Marketing Course Fees
you can also download this app from the play store and you find Just like many more Online Test Series Related For Example MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and Internet-related. Digital Marketing Course Fees
This is Provided By VedantSri Computer Institute Varanasi. The VedantSri Provides the Best Computer Classes, Courses, Coaching, and Computer Training in Varanasi Uttar Pradesh India.
(Digital Marketing Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi)
Important Links
1-VedantSri Official Website:-
2-Student Support Website:-
3-Jobs Assist Website:-
(Digital Marketing Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi)